Friday, October 3, 2008

Week 7 - The Fischbowl and Technically Illiterate Teachers

In reading Karl Fischs' blog about teacher illiteracy, I found it irritatingly fascinating that anyone (especially a teacher) would be proud to be illiterate when it comes to computers. No one should be proud to be stupid, not even in Alabama. Taking pride in not knowing something is intellectually lazy. Therefore I must agree with Mr. Fisch that anyone who refuses to learn new computer technology will be equivalent to someone 30 years ago who could not read or write.

I also agree that any such person should be shown the door. Including administrators that overlook said inadequacies.

Learning is lifelong and should never be closed off just because it is bothersome to some people to have to learn something new. Times change and improve, and those who do not change with the times will be left behind. In the case of teachers, it would be the students who suffer if the instructor is not able to prepare them for a world that operates on computer technology.

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